Sunday, 14 September 2008

Further 'Efficiency Savings' within North Yorkshire...that have been made on our behalf!

Once you start digging it seems everyone is at it! I just cannot believe the scale of these so-called 'efficiency savings' that are being made within North Yorkshire. There seems to be an also evangelical zeal to make these efficiency savings at our expense!

So far we have established that the Police have 'saved' through 'efficiency savings a total of £21.972m between 2004 and 2008. As stated previously all this information has been obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000.

I have just received an answer from Hambleton District Council regarding 'efficiency savings' over this same period. Bearing in mind that HDC is one of seven District Councils within North Yorkshire and they have made the following savings:

2004/2005 - £159,938
2005/2006 - £359,396
2006/2007 - £411,320
2007/2008 - £330,640

Total Savings £1,261,286

So far the tally is as follows 2004 - 2008

North Yorkshire Police Authority £21,972,000
Hambleton District Council £1,261,286

North Yorkshire County Council TBA
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service TBA

Please bear in mind this is money that could have been spent on us as taxpayers!

I have requested similar information from North Yorkshire County Council. In all fairness NYCC replied with so much information I had to ask Supplementary Questions to clarify the exact figures...I certainly don't want to be accused of giving incorrect information! So I will publish that information once I get it.
As for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service they never reply until the statutory 20 working days has allowed under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000...I don't think it is personal.

Anyway we are talking about a lot of taxpayers money NOT being used for public services and amenities within North Yorkshire.

So what have our local politicians been doing whilst they have voted through these 'savings'? The trouble is that no-one is saying 'NO'! Please let me know if anybody is saying...'No'! You never know there may be others out there who will come forward and who will stand up and be counted.

Just wait until we start exploring the need and rationale of introducing car parking charges within the HDC area!

The mind boggles!

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